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Blinken Appears to Confirm Iran Is Targeting Current U.S. Officials By Jimmy Quinn


Yet he downplayed the practical effect of the IRGC terror label during a Senate hearing today.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken seemingly confirmed during testimony Tuesday that Iran is plotting attacks on both current and former U.S. officials. While there have been reports about threats to former senior officials, Blinken’s comments appear to be the first disclosure of any plot concerning current officials.

The Biden administration’s top diplomat addressed the threats under questioning from Senator Ted Cruz before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Is it true that the IRGC is actively trying to murder former senior officials of the United States?” Cruz asked.

“I’m not sure what I can say in an open setting, but let me say generically, that there is an ongoing threat against American officials both present and past,” Blinken answered.

The phrasing leaves room for interpretation. But the testimony is likely to feed into congressional concerns about nuclear negotiations with Iran being carried on in spite of these threats.

Blinken, citing the confidentiality of the talks, declined to answer Cruz’s questions about whether the U.S. had offered to lift the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s (IRGC) designation as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) in return for Iranian assurances to end its ongoing assassination plots, as certain news reports had indicated.

The top diplomat did, however, say that he shares Cruz’s concerns about the IRGC and, specifically, its paramilitary Quds unit, saying that “86 of the 107 designations by this administration have been against the IRGC or its component parts.” He also said that the administration told the Iranian government to stop targeting Americans.

Throughout the hearing, Blinken blamed the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in 2018 and to opt for a “maximum pressure” sanctions campaign for a rise in Iranian attacks across the Middle East. He noted that the Bush and Obama administrations declined to put the IRGC on the FTO list in the first place on the advice of the military and the intelligence community.

The Media’s Russia-Collusion Mess Was No Error By David Harsanyi


Emails show that one journalist actually shared his raw copy with Fusion GPS.

Special Counsel John Durham, pursuing a case against Democratic Party lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to the FBI in a conspiracy to push the Russia “collusion” swindle, recently shared communications involving Fusion GPS and various reporters. Durham says he is in possession of “hundreds of emails in which Fusion GPS employees shared raw, unverified, and uncorroborated information — including their own draft research and work product — with reporters.”

One of these exchanges concerns a breathless piece from Slate in 2016, tying the Trump Organization’s email server to the Russian Alfa Bank. You may remember that the story dropped only a week before the 2016 presidential election. One of the first big Russia-hoax pieces, it would become the template for many others to come. In one email, Franklin Foer, then at Slate, passes on his raw copy to Fusion GPS, which was working for Hillary at the time, and asks the outfit to look it over for “omissions and errors.” Once the information was repackaged into a news story, Hillary sent out a release claiming that “computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”

We shouldn’t kid ourselves. This is how politicians launder oppo info. In movies, precocious reporters stake out office buildings, rummage through garbage, flip through piles of documents, and uncover dusty folders in the back of old cabinets. For the most part, that’s a fantasy. It’s about access. Most big scoops are handed to reporters — whose greatest skill is being lucky enough to have landed in powerful positions — by the political opposition. And, in my book, there’s nothing unethical about passing along info that’s true, no matter who the source is.

More Hilarious Wailing at Elon Musk Wait, you mean Twitter could ban one party’s political speech?


My, what a progressive panic Elon Musk’s $44 billion purchase of Twitter has inspired. MSNBC host Ari Melber warns that Mr. Musk could hack the political debate by having the website “secretly ban one party’s candidate” or “turn down the reach of their stuff, and turn up the reach of something else, and the rest of us might not even find out about it until after the election.”

Uh, hello? Twitter has banned President Trump. A month before the 2020 election, it moved to “turn down the reach” of the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Those actions weren’t secret, but Mr. Melber’s alarm echoes what conservatives have been saying for years about big tech’s censorship. As long as the usual Silicon Valley overlords controlled all of social media, progressives didn’t mind. But Elon Musk buys Twitter, and suddenly freer speech is a national crisis.

“Musk and his apologists say if consumers don’t like what he does with Twitter, they can go elsewhere,” tweeted former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich. “But where else would consumers go to post short messages that can reach millions of people other than Twitter?” Yet conservative critics of Twitter have long been told to build their own sites. We’ll friend you later on ReichBook.

See If You Can Follow Yellen’s Bouncing Inflation Ball


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said over the weekend that we’re going to have to “put up with inflation for a while longer,” which means that she has now held just about every possible — and almost always wrong — position on an issue about which she is supposedly an expert. Is it any wonder nobody trusts elites anymore?

Yellen was on CNBC over the weekend and, when asked whether inflation had peaked, said:

“Well, it may have peaked, but … I think the shocks emanating from this unjustified attack on Ukraine will prolong inflationary pressures. So, the outlook is uncertain. As you know, the Fed is taking steps to bring inflation down, but I think we will have to put up with high inflation for a while longer.”

Let’s leave aside Yellen’s dubious claim that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has had any meaningful impact on inflation. Why would it? Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, which was far more disruptive to the global oil market, bumped oil prices up for a short period but had no broader inflationary effect.

The Putin-is-to-blame for skyrocketing prices is one of team Biden’s big lies meant to deflect blame. But the press never calls them on it.

No, what’s really troubling is the fact that Biden’s Treasury secretary has been so utterly clueless about inflation since joining his cabinet.

Let’s look at what Yellen has claimed about inflation since early last year and the actual results. The chart shows what inflation was doing when she made these statements.

Elon Conquers The Twitterverse Our chattering class claims Musk is a supervillain. The truth is simpler: He wants free speech. They don’t. Mike Solana


Three weeks ago, a regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that Elon Musk, billionaire Shitposting God of Silicon Valley, had acquired over 9% of Twitter, making him the company’s largest shareholder and setting in motion a chain of events that led, ultimately, to yesterday’s outright purchase of the now $44 billion company. In a press release, Elon shared his goals for the platform, which echoed the goals he’s shared all month: 

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.”

“Freedom,” “open source technology,” and “man, I really hate these spam bots.” The media’s reaction to these ambitions was instant and apoplectic. They were akin, we were told, to literal Nazism. 

Welcome to the Clown World. Boy, do we have ground to cover. 

The social internet is always a Dalí painting—surreal and horrifying and beautiful. A million crazy people screaming over nonsense, with funny jokes or anecdotes mixed in, fortune cookie observations, legitimate political happenings, and “words are violence” hall monitors from The Washington Post waging daily information war on trolls and Russian bots and okay actually just a lot of regular people with whom they disagree, or simply don’t like. 

But even by the gutter standards we’ve come to accept from media, this has been a month for the books.

Liz Peek: Kamala Harris: Joe Biden’s excellent VP pick may keep him in office


Joe Biden was darned lucky he chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. If he had teamed up with someone capable, someone who had won the trust of the country, Biden might be headed out to pasture. Good pick, Joe.

This is not, as Joe might say, hyperbole. Over the past few months, the president has shown himself not only confused but dangerously confused. At some point, Democrats dragged down by Mr. Biden’s poor performance would likely step in, demanding he resign.

But then we would have Kamala Harris in the Oval Office, an outcome too dreadful to contemplate, even for Democrats.

Mr. Biden is a liability to the U.S. and to his party. His comments appearing to call for regime change in Russia or suggesting that U.S. GIs were soon to enter Ukraine played into Vladimir Putin’s hands and provided invaluable fodder for his propaganda machine.

Of course, it is not just about the Ukraine war that Mr. Biden has appeared confused about. Just recently, the president was asked about his plans to rescind Title 42, the health emergency measure that has allowed our government to rapidly expel people entering the U.S. illegally. Instead of addressing the border situation, Biden talked about the Department of Justice appealing a judge’s ruling that nixed the federal mask mandate on airplanes, conflating the two issues.

This was not because he didn’t hear the question; there was no Marine One helicopter hovering in the background. This was Mr. Biden, confused.

The steady stream of misstatements and contradictions has taken a toll. As have videos of Mr. Biden shaking hands with thin air or being awkwardly coached by his wife Jill to wave to a crowd.

Did a Key FBI Agent in Whitmer Plot Attempt to Surveil Steven Crowder? It appears Jayson Chambers, one of the key FBI Agents involved in the entrapment effort, did just that. Why? By Julie Kelly


In 2017, Steven Crowder, a conservative activist and host of a popular YouTube channel, infiltrated Antifa with his producer.

Weeks before a speaking engagement by Ben Shapiro at the University of Utah—an event Antifa planned to disrupt violently—Crowder worked his way into the group through the use of burner phones and encrypted chats. Crowder secretly recorded discussions between Antifa thugs promising to use “plain clothes and hard tactics” to shut down Shapiro’s speech on September 28, 2017. This included distributing weapons such as ice picks, combat knives, and guns.

Despite a heavy law enforcement presence for Shapiro’s speech, pockets of violence did erupt as Antifa confronted police and Shapiro supporters outside the venue, resulting in the arrest of a handful of rabble-rousers. Crowder then posted a video account of his undercover operation and noted a collective lack of interest by major news organizations in Antifa’s violent pre-planning efforts.

An FBI agent, however, appeared to want more information from Crowder about Antifa’s behind-the-scenes work. It’s unclear how Crowder contacted this particular FBI agent shortly after the Shapiro protest but he described the encounter on Megyn Kelly’s podcast last week: “We got on the phone with a guy at the FBI and he asked ‘how did you get involved, how did you get on this Antifa app?’” Crowder told Kelly about the initial call, wondering aloud why the FBI didn’t know how to access the encrypted chat. The FBI, Crowder said, didn’t express any interest in capturing the perpetrators, which Crowder found “odd.”

The correspondence with this FBI agent, working out of the FBI’s counterterrorism unit in Michigan, continued for some time then tapered off. It wasn’t until recently that Crowder heard the name of his one-time FBI contact: Jayson Chambers.

Chambers was one of the key agents involved in the FBI-concocted plot to “kidnap” and “assassinate” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. He was primarily responsible for handling Dan Chappel, the informant hired by the FBI in the spring of 2020 and compensated at least $60,000 to execute the scheme. “This was the guy on a fishing expedition with my office!” Crowder told Kelly about Chambers. 

‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Goes to the Supreme Court The Justices have cause to rule that Biden’s cancellation of the Trump-era immigration policy is illegal.


The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear a challenge (Biden v. Texas) to the Biden Administration’s repeal of the Trump Migrant Protection Protocols—aka “Remain in Mexico.” But the stakes go beyond the border and strike at the heart of the Constitution’s separation of powers.

President Biden on his first day in office directed his Department of Homeland Security to review whether to terminate or modify Remain in Mexico. DHS ended the policy last June. The two questions before the High Court are whether DHS followed proper administrative procedure, and whether the law lets it end the policy. The answers are no, and no.

The Trump Administration implemented Remain in Mexico in early 2019 to deal with a surge in migrants claiming asylum. Since DHS’s total detention capacity is 34,618, the government had been releasing migrants apprehended at the border into the U.S.

Remain in Mexico requires non-Mexican migrants to wait in Mexico until their asylum claims are heard. Un-noted by critics is that Congress established the legal basis for this policy as part of the 1996 bipartisan immigration reform. Sen. Joe Biden voted for it.

The law says migrants who are “not clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted . . . shall be detained.” That’s an order to the executive branch. But Congress also provided a safety valve if the government lacks detention capacity: “The Attorney General may return the alien” to Mexico “pending a proceeding.”

SMOKING GUN: White House Visitor Logs Prove Joe Biden Met With Hunter’s Business Associates By Matt Margolis


Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any involvement with or knowledge of his son Hunter’s business dealings,

But according to visitor logs from the Obama administration, Eric Schwerin, Hunter Biden’s top business partner, visited the White House 19 times between 2009 and 2015 and met with then-Vice President Biden on at least one of those occasions.

Schwerin is the former president of Hunter’s now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca, and logs show that he met with Vice President Joe Biden on November 17, 2010, which was when Hunter was striking multi-million-dollar deals in foreign countries, including China.

In addition to meeting with Joe Biden, Schwerin’s other visits involved meetings with Biden’s staff and second lady Jill Biden’s staff.

“In October 2009, just months after Hunter co-founded Rosemont Seneca, Schwerin met with Evan Ryan, Vice President Biden’s assistant for intergovernmental affairs and public liaison, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building where the vice president’s office is based, according to the visitor logs,” the New York Post reports. Emails also show that Ryan “acted as a conduit for Hunter Biden and his cronies.”

According to the logs, the following visits to the White House were amongst those made by Schwerin:

Meeting with Joe Biden aide Evan Ryan (10/28/2009)
Meeting with Jill Biden special assistant Meg Campbell (2/13/2010)
Meeting with Joe Biden assistant Michele Smith (10/24/2010)
Meeting with Joe Biden (11/17/2010)
Meeting with Joe Biden assistant Kellen Suber (8/22/2011)
Meeting with Jill Biden aide Betsy Massey (3/31/2012)
Meeting with Joe Biden assistant Michele Smith (2/7/2012)
Meeting with Joe Biden’s Director of Administration, Faisal Amin (3/28/2013)
Meeting with Joe Biden assistant Kathy Chung (5/20/2013)

Biden says Macron didn’t take his election-night call, talked to staff instead By Steven Nelson


President Biden said Monday that French President Emmanuel Macron didn’t come to the phone when he called to congratulate him on his landslide reelection.

Biden said he spoke with Macron’s staff instead on Sunday night as the French president partied at the Eiffel Tower — requiring the US president to call back Monday.

“I feel good about the French election,” Biden said as he returned to DC from a weekend trip home to Delaware. “I tried to talk to him last night. I spoke to his staff and he was at the Eiffel Tower having a good time. And I’m going to be talking to him today.”

Presidential calls to foreign leaders typically are arranged by White House staff to avoid unscripted or embarrassing moments for the leader of the world’s sole superpower.

Biden reached Macron on Monday before hosting the Stanley Cup championship-winning Tampa Bay Lightning team on the White House lawn.