Major Muslim’s Calling Card: “SoA”, “Soldier of Allah”Hasan calling card

Here is the card that major Muslim Nidal Hasan gave to the infidels along with a quran before meeting his 72 raisins.

Could this lowlife jihadi be any more devout? He mosqued every day. Hated America, hated the troops, proselytized his co-workers, planned his jihad and completed his mission. His head was shaved. What else was shaved? If his body was shaved like his head, then the military guys and law enforcement know and have known that this was jihad, and they are scamming us now.

Now look at the card. Notice the SoA on the card? Soldiers of Allah. Followed by SWT, an abbreviation that usually follows the word Allah. (hat tip Robert)

When writing the name of God (Allah), Muslims often follow it with the abbreviation “SWT.” These letters stand for the Arabic words “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,” or “Glory to Him, the Exalted.” Muslims use these or similar words to glorify God when mentioning His name.

Definition: When writing the name of God (Allah), Muslims often follow it with the abbreviation “SWT.” These letters stand for the Arabic words “Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,” or “Glory to Him, the Exalted.” Muslims use these or similar words to glorify God when mentioning His name.
Pronunciation: sub-han’-a-hoo wa ta a la
Also Known As: Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala
Alternate Spellings: subhana wa ta’ala; subhanna wa ta’ala

Muslims believe that Allah SWT created the universe.

UPDATE: Check this out:

Mosque: Dar Al-Hijrah

The suspected Fort Hood terrorist’s former mosque in Maryland is controlled by the radical Muslim Brotherhood, a Saudi-funded worldwide jihadist movement which controls many of the mosques in America.

Same mosque as the 911 Muslim terrorists: mmm Muslims of a Feather, Jihad Together: Major Muslim Fort Hood Terrorist Linked to 911 Terrorists

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