The “Jewish” Question

These ongoing pogroms, anti-Semitic attacks, the noisy and often violent demonstrations, and the individual attacks on Jews in Europe and elsewhere, apparently occur in cycles. But they especially explode when Jews fight back and take steps to trounce their tormentors. As Israel is doing now against Hamas in Gaza. How dare they?

Now, as an atheist, I have no special regard for any religion. The one I hate – and I hate it because I fear it, and fear that it is making inroads in my Western culture, because it is a malignant, death-worshipping, nihilist evil – is Islam. All the others, including Judaism, don’t worry me, because not a one of them is telling me to defer to it, walk on the other side of the street, or threatens me with death. All those others exist on the periphery of my consciousness and of my concerns. I try to imagine an Amish farmer in a suicide vest. It doesn’t compute. The idea is laughable. Although I suspect that if Muslims try to collect jizya from the Amish, I think Amish pacifism will come to an end, and Islam will have a problem. I especially look forward to the Quakers’ reaction to submission.

But, I am otherwise indifferent to religion. I was raised in a Catholic household without having become a Catholic. The contradictions, arbitrary restrictions, hypocrisies, scandals, and corruption prevalent in that creed alienated me permanently from any species of mysticism.

Jews? I don’t even regard them, collectively, as a “race.” In my mind, Judaism is a religion, first and foremost. Anyone can become or be a Jew: Caucasians, Latinos, Blacks, Asians. I wouldn’t know a Jew on a street unless he wore his religion on his sleeve, as Hassidic Jews do.

But it is also true of Islam, that it isn’t reserved to a specific race. Except the difference is that Judaism isn’t seeking rabbinical hegemony over the globe. Jews are not telling me that I’d better convert and wear a kippah, or lose my head, or see my daughter raped, or my son’s hands chopped off.

Jews just want to be left alone, and, incidentally, to benefit the rest of the world with their work and humanity.

But no one wants to leave them alone. Jews are the one-size-fits-all historical scapegoats for whatever miseries or catastrophes have beset mankind or brought about on himself. History abounds with instances of how Jews have benefited man, yet were banished or subjected to riotous murder. They have loaned money to bankrupt princes and spendthrift governments, yet were snubbed, insulted, or worse. They have excelled in medical and scientific research and technology, and in business and finance. They are generous to a perilous fault, such as the foolhardy supplying of their enemies in Gaza – and that includes all the hapless shnorers, Hamas’s human shields – with medical supplies, food, and other necessities.

Jews can also be foolish, such as the American ones who oppose Israel, and the ones in Israel itself who subscribe to the fantasy that Hamas and Gazans and Muslims of whatever suasion can be pacified and made tolerant of Jewish and Israeli existence. I don’t know where their heads are, and I’m so fastidious in some respects that I don’t even want to explore their self-evident delusions. They don’t seem to realize that if Israel were ever destroyed, they, the helping-hand Jews, would be among the first to be exterminated. Islam does not tolerate “but-you-said” complaints. The same goes for the leftards in this country who have “allied” themselves with Islamic supremacists simply because Israel contradicts . They’ll be among the first to be sent to the wall or over the cliff, come an American caliphate. Except for the ones who have mastered the art of groveling.

The world owes Jews and Israel an incalculable debt for everything they’ve done for it, yet our response is to stab them in the back, betray them, and tell them to parley for peace with killers who do not want peace, who are certifiable psychotics who want to kill for the sake of killing, and act and exist for no other reason.

The world owes Jews and Israel that incalculable debt, and, rather than create a pitifully partial list of their achievements here – achievements which improve and advance man’s existence – I offer here links to various sites that itemize everything they’ve done. Readers may peruse the lists at their leisure:


Nobel Laureates (191, in all categories):

A collection of achievements:

Israeli medical achievements:

The Israeli high-tech industry:

The Methodist Friends of Israel:

What have been Muslim contributions to man’s condition, to increase his happiness and well-being, other than the inculcating a neurosis of terror, and developing weapons with which to kill Jews, attack Israel, and slaughter infidels? For 1,400 years, not much, except, perhaps, to filch algebra from the Indians and also what are called “Arabic” numbers. The tally of Muslim Nobel Laureates comes to an underwhelming eleven: Seven Peace Prizes, two in literature, one in physics, and one in chemistry.

What can explain this virtual absence of Muslim achievements? Aside from the mind-numbing nature of Islamic ideology, which I’ve discussed in past columns, one Muslim offers this credible and honest explanation for it:

…Today’s common Muslim mind, including the intellectual Muslim mind, is quite insular, and is focused on protecting an “Islamic” (and quite closed) mental sphere from influences from the outside world. The result is a defensive culture that refuses to engage with the ideas of “the unbelievers,” and therefore only repeats what it has learned from its own forebears. If we Muslims want more Nobel Prizes – and all the knowledge, sophistication and success that they imply – we must begin with challenging this closed-mindedness, and strive to have more open minds.

I don’t think this fellow is a true, practicing Muslim. If he were, he wouldn’t have been able to write those words.

Hamas? Hamas is a pint-sized Goliath challenging a towering David. What can explain its determination to engage in combat with Israel, which, if it took off its humanitarian “what-would-the-world-think-of-us” gloves, would annihilate it? The answer is simple: A nihilistic death wish. David P. Goldman, in his July 15th article on PJ Media, “Hamas Is the Norm, Israel is the Exception,” offers this very appropriate explanation: ”

Hamas wants to die, obviously and visibly. That thought horrifies Westerners. As a number of Israeli commentators observe, Hamas doesn’t particularly care about having a Palestinian State. It wants to destroy the Jewish State and is willing to die in the process. It wants to die in such a way that Israel will die, too. There is something utterly surreal to Hamas crowding civilians around military targets, and Israeli pilots declining to attack them. It recalls the joke about the sadist and the masochist. The masochist says, “Beat me!,” and the sadist says, No…suffer.” [Italics mine.]

Hamas, to be sure, proposes to die in an accelerated time frame and a particularly disgusting fashion, but it should be kept in mind that self-willed extinction is the norm.

Yes, they want to be “martyrs.” They wish to die. The Blaze in November 2012, reporting during another conflict between Israel and Hamas, quotes one Islamic terrorist group’s motto:

“From the Al-Qassam Brigades to the Zionist soldiers: The Al-Qassam Brigades love death more than you love life.”

That comports precisely with David Goldman’s explanation of Hamas’s nihilistic death wish: If we can’t live, we don’t want you to live, either.

I say: Grant them their wish. Extinguish Hamas, once and for all. Down to the last miserable “martyr.”

Hamas’s solution to the “Jewish Question” is the same as was Hitler’s: Kill all the Jews. We envy the Jews, can never hope to match their achievements and determination to live, and not merely “survive,” we are but mere manqués pretending to live. We have no purpose in our existence but to kill, kill, kill. We have no values but the sight of Jews in pain and writhing in death.

The vicious ideology of Islam gives Hamas a specious rationale for their chosen psychosis. Israelis have proven in virtually every realm of human endeavor that they are pro-life men of reason. Reason, too, is what Hamas, ruled by an anti-life philosophy, wishes to extinguish.

* * 30 * *
Edward Cline
Williamsburg, VA
July 2014


Hamas’s death wish for all:

 Supplying Hamas and Gaza with food etc.

 Four-front war against Israel:

 Worldwide anti-Israel protests:

 Moroccan rabbi beaten:

Assailant Savages Morocco Rabbi Over IDF Gaza Op, Other Attacks Reported in Australia, Paris, Boston (VIDEO)

 Israeli inventions:

 Jewish Nobel laureates: 191 total, all categories

 Israeli achievements:

 Israeli medical achievements:

 Israeli high tech story:

 Methodist friends of Israel:

 Muslim confesses Muslim’s poor record of achievements in modern world:

 Muslim Nobel laureates:

 We love death quotation:

shnorers (beggars, spongers)



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