

“I want at least 1,000 to 2,000 to die in one day,”  Shahawar Siraj told an NYPD informant.

The Pakistani illegal alien and Muslim bookstore employee was discussing his plans to kill as many New Yorkers as possible. “I’m going to f___ this country very bad.”

Under Bill de Blasio, the investigations that prevented the mass murder of New Yorkers would never have been allowed.

“The efforts of surveillance have to be based on specifically specific information,” Bill de Blasio said. The standard of “specifically specific information” would have led to the deaths of countless New Yorkers.


Hen Mazzig had been a member of Israel’s most left-wing party. But that didn’t prepare him for the sheer level of Israelaphobic craziness that he would encounter on campuses in the Pacific Northwest.

“On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none.

She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”

This particular piece of crazy actually originates from left-wing academics in his own country.

Tal Nitzan could not find any cases of rape by IDF soldiers of Palestinian women. Nitzan had to twist her thesis to attribute the lack of such rapes to a governmental program instilling in IDF soldiers that the Arab women are sub-human or inferior.

This demented Catch 22 lunacy, or Reverse Rapism, as some have called it, won an award at Hebrew University. Tal Nitzan has since compared the media and internet criticism of her “Israeli Soldiers are Racist for not Raping” to… being raped.

Ex-Israeli Soldier Denounced on US Campus for Not Raping Palestinian Women


The latest media talking point is about the “cost” of the shutdown. Their latest revelation is that the shutdown may have cost… get ready for it… up to $24 billion.

That’s right. A whole $24 billion.

Three weeks of government shutdown cost 2.5 days of government spending. Six days of deficit spending.

3 Weeks of Government Shutdown Cost 2.5 Days of Government Spending


Caplin may have been the only IRS chief to appear on the cover of Time Magazine back when he was targeting JFK’s political enemies with audits as part of Kennedy’s “Ideological Organizations Project.”

“I remember that the president made a speech and I got a call from the White House again,” Caplin would later write. “The right-wing organizations were believed to be overstepping their tax-exemption bounds.”

Like JFK’s IRS scandal, Obama’s IRS scandal comes down to a White House worried about the impact of “right wing organizations” on its political agenda and lists being drawn up in order to intimidate and sabotage conservative organizations.

THe H of Doom

Obama’s people made the O into a big part of his brand. Team Hillary wants to do that with their H. They’re calling it “Herculean” for some reason, even though that’s not exactly the term you must associate with Hillary. But I guess it’s better than the Harridan H or the Hapless H.

Hillary Desperately Trying to “Obamize” her Image for 2016


The Republican establishment, which does business, lives in urban liberal areas and have become too used to thinking of themselves as outsiders. They are always reflexively defensive and afraid of being denounced.

It’s become a sickness. They dream of another Reagan, but their ideal Reagan is beloved without ever taking controversial positions. He stands for nothing, but everyone loves him. That’s not the real Reagan, who was often angry and combative, but the imaginary liberal view of Reagan as an actor and a hollow shell.

Winning Means Daring to Do Unpopular Things

Elections come down to turnout. Turnout comes down to passion.

Democrats understand that. Republicans don’t. There is a class of voters that turns out for every election. These people tend to be informed. And then there are voters who come out when they’re passionate about something.

The Republican strategy is to trade passion for neutrality. That was the Romney ticket.

NJ Election Shows Cruz/Tea Party Strengthens GOP Even in Blue States

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