Pub date August 7, 2012:
The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter
A new book published by HarperCollins Broadside Books offers a startlingly fresh view of Barack Obama and the damage he has done as president, and concludes that the real culprit isn’t this president, but — America’s voters.

The author, former leftist community organizer Craig S. Karpel, writes — simultaneously seriously and satirically — that the American electorate is hooked on “multiple political addictions and that we urgently need to embark on a 12-step program that will enable us to heal.”
Karpel writes that Obama voters’ political addictions are so disorienting that to attain “voting sobriety” by Election Day they need to go through the 12-step program he has devised. Each step is designed to enable voters to understand how they succumbed to a particular addiction, and what they need to do to overcome it.
Noting the Obama campaign’s emphasis on persuading voter to attend pro-Obama house parties, he urges readers to host and attend Alcoholics Anonymous-type meetings to “work the steps” by admitting their political addictions to each other and committing to go through “Democratic detox” and “Republican rehab.”
Karpel skewers Obama as never before in an e-book original that’s poised to go viral as
it’s discussed in forwarded emails.
The book begins:
“My name is Craig K., and I’m an Obamaholic.
“Welcome to what Alcoholics Anonymous would call a ‘meeting in print.’ We’re here to
admit to each other and to ourselves that the Obama presidency isn’t Obama’s fault — it’s
ours. We should be impeached for having elected him.”
The 12-Step Guide
  • ON VOTERS’ POLITICAL ADDICTIONS: “Obama’s election was the triumph of biography over achievement. We allowed ourselves to become Obama-news junkies, in the grip of lack-of-substance abuse.”
  • ON VOTERS’ ADDICTION TO ELITISM: “Outside of technical fields — proverbially, brain surgery and rocket science — academic credentials are an indication not of achievement, but of promise. Thus it is that government agencies are staffed mostly with failures who were once considered promising, while the business world is full of unpredicted successes.”
  • ON VOTERS’ ADDICTION TO THE FANTASY THAT EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION: “Liberalism isn’t a political philosophy — it’s a thought disorder. Because liberals are unable to think through the relationship between causes and effects, they’re rarely able to anticipate the consequences of any action. For this reason, the main consequences of most liberal policies are the unintended consequences.
  • ON ADDICTION TO BLAME: “Occupy Wall Street was, essentially, demonstrating in favor of blame. Democrats crowed that it was their version of the Tea Party, and they were correct. The Tea Party is primarily about having a federal government that’s fiscally sustainable. Occupy’s ’99 percenters’ were the Me Party: ‘I want mine, paid for by you.'”
  • ON VOTERS’ ADDICTION TO DENIAL: “Denial is our inner mind saying to our outer mind, ‘Nothing to see here. Move along.’. . . Even when we realized that this president was incompetent, we were in denial about our own incompetence as voters.”
  • ON THE IMPORTANCE OF ATTAINING “VOTING SOBRIETY”: “Unless we start, as Alcoholics Anonymous puts it, ‘working the steps,’ we’re certain to have Obama again — and after him, more Obamas.” “To attain voting sobriety by November 6, 2012, we recovering Obama voters need to support a candidate who, as president, can begin the hard work of restoring government to its constitutional place in American life.”
The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter captures the mood of millions of Americans who are coming to regret voting for Obama in 2008 and won’t be voting for him in November.
A fast, entertaining, informative read, the book is a can’t-put-it-down diatribe that conservatives will find illuminating . . . liberals will find troubling . . . and independents will find eye-opening.
An e-book original
Equivalent to about 85 pages of printed text, the e-book is priced at $4.99 on Kindle,
Nook, iPad, Sony Reader, Kobo, iPhone, iPod Touch, Windows Phone 7, Android
phones and tablets, BlackBerry, and all other e-book reading devices, as well as on Windows and Mac computers.
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media contact below.
The book’s website:
About the author
Craig S. Karpel is an award-winning investigative journalist whose work has appeared in
such venues as The New Republic, New York Magazine, The New York Times, Playboy,
PJ Media, and The Wall Street Journal. He has been a Contributing Editor of Esquire and
Harper’s Magazine.
As a community organizer fighting for “social justice” in the early 1970s he was an
adviser to the far-left firebrand Abbie Hoffman. He counseled John Lennon during the
former Beatle’s involvement in American leftist politics.
He wrote for the iconic left-wing magazine Ramparts and the ultra-liberal Village Voice
of the 1960s and 70s. He was a frequent sit-in host for Ed Koch when the liberal former
New York City mayor hosted a weekly show on New York talk-radio powerhouse
Karpel was the author of the prophetic 1995 book The Retirement Myth: What You Must
Know Now to Prosper in the Coming Meltdown of Job Security, Pension Plans, Social
Security, the Stock Market, Housing Prices and More.

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