By one of those odd coincidences, I had just finished watching Clint Eastwood’s movie on the rise to power of J. Edgar Hoover when I came across the following commentary, written by J. R. Nyquist in his blog titled, The Time Traveler’s Lesson. It is of an imaginary interrogation by Hoover himself of a man taken into custody by the FBI in 1964 claiming to be from the future and describing America in 2014.

Hoover, back in 1964, upon hearing the time traveler’s description explodes in outrage, finding the account the most egregious nonsense he has ever heard. No doubt, Hoover concludes, this man’s description of life in the United States 50 years hence is an unmitigated hoax or the man is certifiable insane. But what is it that the time traveler describes?

“America in the future will be led by a black man with an Arabic name mentored as a youth by a suspected Communist subversive named Frank Marshall Davis.

“The time traveler explains that the leading social question of 2014 is gay marriage. Hoover angrily asks if the NASA thinks this is funny; to play such a practical joke on the FBI?

“Neither does Hoover credit the time traveler’s absurd claim that the national debt is more than $17 trillion in 2014, or that Venezuela and Nicaragua have been quietly taken over by Fidel Castro’s friends, that Zimbabwe, Angola, South Africa and the Congo are in the hands of African Communists, that North Korea possesses nuclear weapons. None of this is believable. None of it makes any sense to someone living in 1964 during the Cold War.

“When the time traveler finally reports that the United States is reduced to a state of manufacturing inferiority to Red China, there is an abrupt end to the interview. What self-respecting American official in 1964 can allow himself to be so insolently abused?”

J. R. Nyquist’s imaginary tale is indeed intriguing. But to be sure, how many of us alive today, who would have been told back in 1964 that socialism and communism would be viewed as acceptable by millions upon millions of Americans in 2014, would have given any credence to what would seem then like so much arrant nonsense or horrific science fiction?

Who would have believed back in 1964, during the height of the Cold War and the nuclear standoff, that an American president 50 years hence would allow a fundamentalist Islamic Iranian regime and chief sponsor of worldwide terrorism to develop and manufacture nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them – and then reward them with millions of American taxpayers dollars? Such appeasement and  degeneration of America’s moral standing as a world super power would be unthinkable.

Who would believe that an American president would display such intolerable weakness in the face of horrifying slaughter on a grand scale occurring daily in Syria? Who would believe that an American president would go out of his way to embrace the worst thugdoms of the world while spurning America’s most devoted and loyal allies? And who would ever believe that Congress was so impotent and incapable of ending the tyranny of an imperial president blatantly disregarding the Constitution?

So fast forward to today, to the year 2014, and we see everything the time traveler would have said to J. Edgar Hoover has come true. Indeed, we now see that the two major aggressors of World War 2, Germany and Japan, are even considering rearming. Why?

Seeing the accelerating dangers and threats to world peace coming as a direct response to America’s shrinking military, deliberately engineered by the Obama Administration, and the realities of America no longer standing by its allies, both of those nations now are alarmed at how they will be able to react to the dangers surrounding them.

We know that World War One and the Second World War both occurred because aggression by belligerents was not met with speedy and overwhelming force. Indeed the peace that lasted for more than half a century after World War 2 was owing to American military might – now relentlessly being dismantled by the president and by his sycophants in the Democrat party. The president’s foreign policy, just like his domestic policy, has become a clear and present danger to America.

A foreign policy which grants favors to the anti-American mullahs in Iran in the name of peace in our time (remember Neville Chamberlain’s piece of paper?) yet cruelly pressures embattled Israel to make more and more concessions to the Iranian backed PLO terrorists, all in the name of yet another illusory peace in our time, is insanity. What rich material future historians will have in examining the idiocy of our times.

J. Edgar Hoover back in 1964 would naturally have dismissed such dire descriptions of life in America 50 years in the future. He would have noted in his files that such a ludicrous rant by a man claiming to be a time traveler was beyond all rational belief.

So what would we think if someone came back in time from 50 years hence to tell us what life in America and the world will be like?

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer and author of several published books including a collection of short stories titled The Blue Hour and a trilogy titled Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

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