WHEN DOES 1+1= 3?

When the subject is “Palestine,” and the Arabs and their assorted mouthpieces and rah rah squads are doing the counting.

After the centuries old Ottoman Turkish Empire was dismantled after World War I, many different long suppressed peoples had visions of freedom, self determination, and independence in the new age of nationalism emerging in the region. Diplomats like America’s President Woodrow Wilson, Great Britain’s Sir Mark Sykes, and others encouraged this with their “Fourteen Points” and statements such as “Arabia for the Arabians, Judea for the Jews, Armenia for the Armenians, Kurdistan for the Kurds,” etc. and so forth.

There was just one problem with this, however-and we are living with the tragic consequences of it to this very day…

From the mid-7th until the mid-13th centuries of the Common Era, much of the region had been conquered by Arabs who had burst out of the Arabian Peninsula, waging murderous jihad in all directions in the name of both Arabism and the Dar ul-Islam. Countless millions of native, non-Arab peoples were slaughtered, enslaved, forcibly Arabized, converted, and/or subjugated in other ways in the process-going onto this very day. That’s how Arabs got to the native, non-Semitic Copts’ Egypt, Aryan Iran, Amazigh (“Berber”) North Africa, native Semitic-but non-Arab-Lebanon, Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan, black African Sudan (and beyond), Judea/Syria Palestina-the Roman/Byzantine-conquered land of the Jews, the Indian sub-continent, etc. and so forth…Keep in mind that these are the same dudes complaining about an allegedly expansionist Israel.

Based on these earlier Arab imperial, colonial conquests, Arabs then declared that they-and only they-were entitled to any political rights in “their” region…purely Arab patrimony, in their own words. In an example that I like to use, this excerpt from the constitution of the Syrian Arab Ba’th Party sums this mindset up nicely…

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